Many thanks to all of the wonderful good beings who supported my work over these twenty years.

Here in the future, feel free to use any of the thoughts and ideas that appear here, over into your own work. Try to create greater happiness in your life and in the life of others. Read into the depths of the presentations that appear in these pages.

** New Presentation **

Our bodies and minds are born with the capacity for anger. Anger is a normal human emotion. We have all experienced it rising within ourselves and directed at us from others. When anger flames out of control it can be one of the most destructive human emotions. Our anger can harm ourselves as well as others. Unexpressed it can lead to depression. Expressed it can lead to abuse, aggression, oppression and violence. No one is happy while angry.

Being able to transform anger into positive action is such an important change that we may learn to make in our lives.

The Presentation

  • The four key parts of the feelings that always precede the appearance of anger.
  • Why anger is a necessary and important part of each person's life.
  • What causes some individuals to have a deep and lasting anger.
  • The strong connections between anger and alcohol.
  • How important it is to learn to "balance" our anger and how to go about doing that.
  • Resolving conflicts without the use of anger.
  • Anger resolution: Ending helplessness, finding happiness in the process of forgiveness.
  • Living without the need and use of anger.

Note: Dr. Jules presents this program either in a 1 1/2 hour presentation, a half day presentation or a full day workshop.

You may choose to do an all day workshop with Dr. Ron Leifer, M.D. and Dr. Jules Burgevin, Ph.D on "Transforming Anger Into Responsible Action." Contact Jules Burgevin directly for more information about this unique, professional workshop.

From the Audience

" I hear rave reviews about your presentations, in particular dealing with anger. Thank you so much for sharing your wisdom with our students. We truly appreciate it! I hope you can come back again."

Georgette J. Hoskins, High School Principal
Skaneateles Central School, Skaneateles, New York.

"On behalf of the staff of the Broome-Tioga BOCES I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your wonderful six hour presentation on "Transforming Anger Into Positive Action." The response from our staff (aides, monitors, teachers, social workers, counselors and supervisors) who attended this workshop was one of profound elation, both for the content covered and your powerful, dynamic and wholly engaging presentation. Your extraordinary workshop into the issues of anger has given us a momentum of useful energy which we are now applying to both students and staff."

Alan S. Miller, Professional Development Specialist
Broome-Tioga BOCES
Binghamton, New York.

"Thank you so much for the excellent seminar you presented here in the Decker Health Science Building. The 85-90 participants who were part of the five hour seminar on "Turn Your Anger into Positive Action" were delighted with your presentation and the evaluations conducted gave you rave reviews. We appreciate your help for this community and I am particularly grateful for the time that you spent with so many people during breaks and after the event. You have a very kind heart and that really came across in your presentation and through your interactions with participants throughout the day."

Debra A. Morello, Director
Broome County Community College
Center for Community Education
Binghamton, New York.

"On behalf of the Students Against Violence, we would like to thank you for being part of Montclair State University's Peace Week in April 2006.
Both of your presentations, "Transforming Anger into Positive Action" and "Trust Me: Violence Ends Where Love Begins" touched all of those who attended and were truly inspirational. Your energy that you bring to this world is a breath of air and more people should have the spirit that you possess. We are pleased to have you as part of our lives and cannot wait to hear what other beautiful things you will be doing in life.
Thank you again for your contributions and we look forward to working with you again in the near future."

Erica Emmich, President of Students Against Violence
Bruce Yankouski, Vice President of Students Against Violence
Montclair State University' Center for Non-Violence and Prevention Programs
Montclair, New Jersey.

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