Many thanks to all of the wonderful good beings who supported my work over these twenty years.

Here in the future, feel free to use any of the thoughts and ideas that appear here, over into your own work. Try to create greater happiness in your life and in the life of others. Read into the depths of the presentations that appear in these pages.

** New Presentation **

We all seek to increase happiness in our lives. Thus, with a determined energy, with insight and awareness, we may choose to make happiness happen. In truth, "happiness starts in loving hearts." Wellness, is the consequence of a loving heart which has created happiness. In this fascinating presentation, Dr. Jules Burgevin contends that humans do not yet fully understand that the energy of love is actually a form of energy. An energy that can be applied in all aspects of life. The happiness which appears from this actualization is quite awesome.

The Presentation

  • The 4 parts or properties of the energy that are always present when we choose to begin--when we choose to let the action appear.

  • Why the energy is always unlimited and always renewable.

  • How in our daily lives we may choose to regulate the changing levels of the energy.

  • The energy is the source for all of our kindness, courage, friendship, our compassion, helpfulness, our tolerance, our fairness. . . . our gentleness.

  • It is only when we are moving forward, with the energy, that we find happiness.

  • Within the energy is the capacity to let go of any bitterness, any rancor, any anger, hatred that lies with us in our past. Thus we rise to the extra- ordinary level of forgiveness.

  • We come to realize that in the energy is the answer. . . . to all questions.

  • Happiness appears----and stays---and urges us into a life of wellness.

  • When the energy is the center balance within us happiness and wellness appear--fixed forever in our lives.

From the Audience

"After listening to Jules Burgevin, I saw our world and my place in it quite differently. Through humor, energetic story-telling and audience participation, he opened our minds and hearts. He is a passionate, compassionate and compelling speaker."

Susan Sanders, Professor of English and Theater
Chair of the Department of Fine and Performing Arts, Philosophy and Religion, Northern Essex Community College, Haverhill, Massachusetts

"On behalf of the Cortland County Area on Aging and the 200 attendees at our Twelfth Annual Enrichment Day Conference held at the Corey Student Union Building on the SUNY Cortland campus I want to thank you for being the keynote speaker for our event. The presentation you designed "Increasing Happiness in Your Life" was captivating and insightful. Just yesterday, a woman was in my office telling me how she has taken your words to heart. I thought your presentation definitely set the tone for the day. The evaluations received from the participants concur with this. They were overwhelmingly positive."

Carol Deloff, Director
Cortland County Area on Aging

Cortland, New York

"When I first heard Jules Burgevin speak I felt my soul had been given a wake-up call. Understanding love as a source of energy, changed my life in a positive way. I think of Jules as the most loving and influential man I have ever met. Dr. Jules Burgevin is a messenger. He is sure to engage you with his passionate style and send you away with optimism and a sore belly from laughing so much!!!"

Dan Zimmerman, Founder and CEO, Dan Z Cookies
Amherst, Massachusetts

"Jules inspires one to be and to do their absolute best as he is the ultimate personification of living life to the fullest. Jules not only immediately captivates the listener, he ignites and reawakens the human soul. His sincere presence and energy are wonderfully contagious. From his every step and his every word, Jules simply exudes Love. Hearing Jules speak is an experience that you will cherish for years. Your feelings about life will be forever changed . . . to the core of your being."

Marc D. Richter, LICSW, LADC
Licensed Clinical Social Worker
Licensed Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counselor
Burlington, Vermont

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